Old Swear Words

We recently brought you a history of some of the main modern profanities.  We now bring you some ways to spice those modern profanities up with a bit of “dad-sizzle!”

  1. Dad-sizzle, dad-blast, dadgum, dad-seize, dad-rat, dad-swamp… dad-anything, really

These variations all symbolise an exclamation of contempt along the lines of “godamn!”

  1. Thunderation! Botheration!

This is the cultured person’s way of swearing.  For example, coming home finding your cellar has flooded, you might say, “What in the botheration is this?!”

  1. G. Rover Cripes!

If you wish not to offend religious company by uttering the holy son’s name in vain, or would simply like to mix up your repertoire, this phrase has all the phonetic makings of “Jesus Christ!” or “Christ on a bicycle!” without the blasphemy.  Also useful here is “Jiminy Cricket in lieu of the other JC word!”

  1. Frickin’ flippin’ shoot!

Use this if something really screws up, like reallyyyy.  It is sort of like an agitated dance around the f-word.

  1. Barmpot

A clumsy idiot.  Adjectival form is “barmy”, which you might imagine being used in the tautological sense such as “You barmy fool!”

  1. Numpty

A Scottish idiot (the British have a lot of variations on ‘idiot’).

  1. Mewling quim

In the mid-19th century this phrase had a rude-fact akin to the c-word today.  Calling someone a “mewling quim” is pretty much calling them a “whimpering  vagina”.

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